Privacy Policy


Hallmark Roofing is committed to ensuring that your personal information is protected and never misused. 

Our Privacy Policy explains what personal information we collect, why we collect it, how we use it, the control you have over your personal information and the procedures we have in place to protect your personal information. It applies to the personal information we collect through our Hallmark Roofing website, during our site surveys, service calls and site visits during services rendered, and during any promotional events where we collect your information with your consent.

By sharing your personal information with us, and by continuing to use our website, you confirm that you have read and understood the terms of this Privacy Policy. We take responsibility for the personal information we collect about you, and we aim to be transparent about how we handle it and give you control over it.

In this Privacy Policy, when we refer to “Hallmark Roofing”, “us”, “we” or “our”, we mean the Hallmark Roofing company which provides you with the Hallmark Roofing website, or which are responsible for providing services and delivering site services in your home, or provide stands or events in your country.

If you have any questions, comments or concerns about any aspect of this Privacy Policy or how Hallmark Roofing handles your information, please email our privacy team at

Privacy principles

We have tried to make our Privacy Policy as clear and as accessible as possible. To help, we have also summarised how we handle your personal information at Hallmark Roofing in our privacy principles below. These principles demonstrate our commitment to protecting your privacy and handling your personal information in the right way and as you would expect it to be handled.

At Hallmark Roofing we:

  • will only ask for or collect the personal information we need to provide and improve the service, products and experiences our customers expect.

  • give you control over the personal information we hold about you to ensure it is accurate and reflects your preferences.

  • make sure your personal information is always secure and protected.

  • are fair and transparent about how we use the personal information we hold.

  • only ever use your personal information for the purpose that you entrusted us to use it for.

  • will never sell your personal information and only share it as outlined in our Privacy Policy or when you ask us to.

  • respect your choices and will inform you if there are important changes that affect your personal information or how we use it.

  • take responsibility for the personal information that we hold about you.

What personal information do we collect?

Our main reason for collecting your personal information is to provide and improve the service, products and experiences that you and our customers expect from us. 

Personal information is defined slightly differently across the world. To guarantee your privacy and the protection of your information, we define it as any information that could be used to identify you or another individual.

We collect personal information about you in a number of different ways. In this section, we explain the different ways we collect personal information about you and the ways in which that information will be used. Here’s how we use your personal information.

Name - your name
We collect this information in our Contact Us form, Book a Service form, Get a Free Quote form and on Checkout. We use this information: to identify you.

Address - the location of the house that you wish to install the product
We collect this information in our Contact Us form, Book a Service form, Get a Free Quote form and on Checkout. We use this information: to locate the installation site, and or place of site survey.

Email - your email address
We collect this information in our Contact Us form, Book a Service form, Get a Free Quote form and on Checkout. We use this information: to communicate with you, to remind you of services due and to promote offers or share relevant information with you regarding your product or service.

Telephone - your telephone number
We collect this information in our Contact Us form, Book a Service form, Get a Free Quote form and on Checkout. We use this information: for communication with you regarding the install, service or survey; to verify appointment times of installation, service or survey; to respond to the queries you have.

Payment Information - your payment information
We collect this information on Checkout. We use this information: to complete the financial transaction for the exchange of goods and services only and to provide refunds to you if necessary.

Home details - details about your home
We collect this information in our Contact Us form, Book a Service form, Get a Free Quote form and on Checkout. We use this information: to provide you with a fit for purpose quotation, design, product and or solution.

Information you share with us

We collect personal information that you share with us when you contact us or interact with us through our website, via email, over the phone, or in-person at stands and events, or during our site visits for surveys or services.

For example, you will provide information to us when you contact our customer service teams, place an order, register your warranty, complete a survey, competition or questionnaire, update your preferences and account information, or rate or review our services and or products on our website.

Through these interactions, you may share with us: your name, address, e-mail address, contact number and payment information. When you place an order with us, book a service or a site survey, we will need that information to be able to provide you with a product or service that you have asked for. For example, we need your payment information, address, and contact details. When making a query with us, we will need your contact details to respond.

Creating an online account securely

We make your information as secure as possible.

When you are setting up your account for the first time you are asked to set your own password. It is important that you keep your password to yourself and do not share with anyone including Hallmark Roofing. If you feel your password has been compromised please opt to change your password. If you forget your password we will email you with a secure link to enable you to reset it. Again, please ensure that it is not compromised and kept secure.

To access your account securely, you must enter details to identify yourself. We will grant access if the details you provide match those held for you.

When updating your account information, you will be asked to provide us with information about your household, your home’s construction and other information that will impact the product, repair, maintenance or installation of an Hallmark Roofing supplied product or solution. All of that information is optional, which means that you can choose whether or not to provide it; you can also ask us to delete it at any time by contacting Hallmark Roofing customer service or by emailing our privacy team at

If you share details of other people with us (for example, if you have bought a Panasonic product for that other person or if you register another person on, then you will need to check with that person that they are happy for you to share their personal information with us, and for us to use it in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Accessing your Account & Personal Information

Should you wish to access all your personal information held by us please email and we will happily oblige. This may take some time.

Information from your online interactions

We collect and store limited personal information and some anonymous, aggregate statistics from all visitors to our websites and users of our apps, whether you actively provide us with that information or merely browse our websites or use our apps. The information we collect includes the internet protocol (IP) address of the device you are using, the browser software you use, your operating system, the date and time of access, the internet address of the website from which you link through to our website and information on how you use our websites or apps.

We use this information so that we can see how well our websites and apps are working, how they are used and what users look at most.

We also collect and handle information about how you engage with our promotional campaigns and advertising online, outside of our own websites (for example, on Google, YouTube and on social media).

That information is, predominantly, collected through our use of cookies and similar technologies.


We use Cookies on our websites. “Cookies” are small text files that websites save onto your device via your web browser. 

Some Cookies that we use will collect personal information about you. Any personal information that is collected will be used in accordance with this Privacy Policy. By continuing to use our websites and apps, you accept that cookies will be set on your device. 

For further information, including on the types of cookies that we use and how to manage Cookies placed on our websites, please refer to our Cookies policy. Please note that we do not currently respond to Do Not Track (DNT) signals.

Email Communications

As a user of our products or services, we will send you support communications by e-mail. As long as you are happy for us to do so, we would also like to keep you posted on anything that's happening at Hallmark Roofing which we think you might like to know about; whether it’s our latest product announcements, service offers or service reminders, offers or upcoming events, we want to make sure you’re happy with the communications you receive from us. You can find out how to update or change whether you would like to hear from us, or stop us contacting you, in the section below titled “How can you change the way that we contact you?”

We collect information about how you engage with our emails; including whether they are delivered to you, whether you open them, whether you choose to learn more about what's happening at Hallmark Roofing (for example, by clicking on a link in our email) and if you ask us not to contact you anymore (by clicking on the unsubscribe option included in all our email correspondence).

We use that information by itself and in combination with your customer record (the information you share with us) to make sure that we stop sending you support or marketing communications when you ask us to. We also use it to make our emails as interesting as possible by providing you with content and experiences that we think you will be interested in based on how you have engaged with our previous emails; you have the right to object to our use of your information for this purpose (see the section below titled “Your controls and choices”).

Social Media

We love interacting with you on social media about your Hallmark Roofing experience (products, solutions, services), or to publicly review your experience with Hallmark Roofing. We use these reviews to improve our services, and also support other potential clients to make a decision to avail of the Hallmark Roofing solutions and services.

The information we collect from social media and online sites, including Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Pinterest, Line and Snapchat, sometimes includes personal information that has been put online and is publicly available. We make sure any information we use is properly credited to its source or is made anonymous.

These online and social media sites typically have their own privacy policies explaining how they use and share your personal information. You should carefully review those privacy policies before you use these sites to make sure that you are happy with how your personal information is being collected and shared.

Information we collect during site visits, or at stands and events

You may share personal information with us when we attend a site-visit or when you visit us in person at our stands and events, such as your name, contact details and payment information (see the section above titled “Information you share with us”).

We will film and take photographs of some of our events and exhibitions. We use film and photographs for our business purposes (for example, to post on our social media pages). We will display notices at those of our stands, events or during site visits to let you know that we will collect personal information about you. We may wish to share an installation photo on our social media, and on our website. We will always seek your permission to do so.

Information we collect from third-party data providers

We collect information, including aggregated demographic and lifestyle data that provide insights into the relative affluence of households within your neighbourhood, from third-party data providers who help us to give you a more relevant owner experience by enabling us to provide offers at the right time and to give you more relevant services and advice.

Monitoring phone calls and emails, post-installation survey

We may monitor and record our calls and emails, so we can find out where we need to improve and check we’re keeping to our normal practices and procedures.

We welcome your feedback post-installation and ask you to complete a performance survey form. This is discretionary and you are not obliged to complete it. However, should you comply please note that we will record your feedback and use it to help us improve our installation services and or product selection.

We are determined to use your information with respect, securely and in line with the purpose outlined throughout this Privacy Policy. If you have any queries or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy please email our privacy team at